Apprenticeship in Management and Leadership
This qualification is suitable for learners aged 18 and above. It is a cross-sector qualification, which means that this NVQ will be taken by people working in a management and leadership role, and those with personal responsibility and autonomy in their roles across a wide variety of areas. This qualification is part of an apprenticeship.
1. Who is it suitable for?
This qualification is designed for learners aged 18 and above who are working in in a senior managerial role
2 What are the entry requirements?
There are no specific recommended prior learning requirements for this qualification. Entry is at the discretion of the centre. Candidates need to fulfil the requirements of the assessment criteria and comply with the relevant literacy, numeracy, and health and safety aspects of this qualification.
3. Training provided
- NCFE Level 5 NVQ Diploma in Management and Leadership.
- Further develop the skills and qualities valued in employees by employers
- Understand and work on their strengths and weaknesses as a manager
- Provide learners with the skills they need to operate as a successful manager
- Confirm competence of those already fulfilling a senior managerial role, allow learners to develop skills in a range of areas relevant to senior managerial roles.
4. How is this qualification Structured?
- Learners must achieve a minimum of 53 credits
- Guided learning hours (GLH): 237
5. How is it assessed?
Each candidate must create a portfolio of evidence which demonstrates achievement of all the learning outcomes and assessment criteria associated with each unit. On completion of each unit candidates must declare that the work produced is their own. Evidence must be drawn from actual work situations,
The main pieces of evidence for the portfolio could:
- Assessor observation
- witness testimony
- product evidence
- worksheets
- assignments/projects/reports
- record of professional discussion
- record of oral and written questioning
- candidate and peer reports
- Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
6. How long does it take to complete
12 – 18 months
7. Which type of job roles can you apply for on completion?
This qualification aims to provide learners with a number of progression options, including higher level studies at university or FE colleges. Job roles would include a senior management role that requires the level of skills and knowledge gained throughout this qualification.
Need some help? Call us:
0113 8343664
Support Materials
Qualification Specification (PDF)
This qualification specification contains everything you need to know about this qualification and should be used by everyone involved in the planning, delivery and assessment.
Apprenticeship Summary