Complaints Policy
The complaints policy will deal with complaints from two sources by following the below procedures, further information can be found in the Learner induction handbook
1. External – which may include employers, parents or learners contacting the Centre Manager.
2. Internal – which will usually originate from learners through their assessors.
Both procedures will be co-ordinated by the Centre Manager with files, a complaints log and copies of correspondence being kept in the executive office.
1. External Complaints
a) Any complaint in writing should be passed directly to the Director Lynne Green or alternatively Quality Director Lynette Lee-Please see Induction Handbook for further information.
b) The letter should be filed, and the Directors will investigate the complaint.
c) Where the complaint has been made by telephone, the member of staff should make a written record of the complaint and request the complainant to write detailing the complaint. At the same time, the complainant should be reassured that the complaint will be taken seriously. A copy of the complaint should be forwarded to the Directors for investigation. A copy will be filed in the centre.
d) The Directors should reply in writing to the complainant within three (3) working days, stating that the matter is being investigated.
e) Following the investigation, the Director will reply to the complainant in writing within fifteen (15) working days. This may be discussed with another member of the management team to confirm that the tone and content of the letter is appropriate to the original complaint and the investigation.
f) Copies of all correspondence should be held in the central file.
g) Where a complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the investigation, an appeal may be made in writing to the Centre Manager within ten (10) days of receipt of the centre’s response. The Centre Manager will notify the complainant of their response to the appeal within ten (10) days.
2. Internal Complaints
a) In the first instance the complaint should be dealt with by the member of staff involved.
b) Once a complaint has been raised by a learner which cannot be dealt with by the member of staff involved or the Internal Verifier, the student should be directed to the Internal Verifier.
c) A written record of the complaint should be made by the Internal Verifier, who will seek to resolve the issue informally through mediation and advocacy.
d) Where the matter cannot be satisfactorily resolved informally, the internal complaint becomes a formal complaint and is referred in writing to the Directors who will investigate the complaint.
e) Steps e) to f) of the external complaints’ procedure should then be followed.