About Us
We work closely with our Employers remaining as flexible as possible to ensure we meet the needs of the Employer as well as that of our Apprentices and Learners.
The majority of our programmes are delivered in the workplace in the form of blended learning packages and one to one training with the use of e-portfolios.
Key Benefits
Opportunity to learn in the workplace
Experienced tutors with up-to-date knowledge of early years and education
Opportunities to progress to further learning
Achievement of a recognised apprenticeship standard
Achieving my Early Years Apprenticeship with Aire Vocational Training has given me the knowledge and the skills to be able to fulfil my dream ambition to become an Early Years Educator
Early Years Apprenticeships
We work closely with our Employers remaining as flexible as possible to ensure we meet the needs of the Employer as well as that of our Apprentices and Learners.
Early Years Practitioner - Level 2
Early Years Educator - Level 3
Early Years Lead Practioner - Level 5
Apprenticeships for Teaching Assistants
The Teaching Assistant Apprenticeship at level 3 provides learners with an in-depth understanding of the knowledge and skills needed when working directly with children and young people in school and college environments.
It covers all aspects of specialist support including: planning, delivering, and reviewing assessment strategies to support learning alongside the teacher; bilingual support; special needs support; and personal development and reflective practice.

The level 5 Early Years Lead Practitioner Apprenticeship Standard has helped me to grow my confidence in leading my team to raise the quality of the provision for our children in nursery. We have really made some exciting changes to our practice working together as a team. I would highly recommend this level 5 Standard with Aire Vocational Training.
Early Years Lead Practitioner Apprenticeship
Early Years Lead Practitioners are found in a range of settings which can include; day nurseries, playgroups, nursery schools, pre-schools, kindergartens, primary schools, hospitals, social care settings, out of school environments and local authority provision.
The broad purpose of the Lead Practitioner is to be a proactive and influential practitioner, working directly with children, skilfully leading day to day practice at an operational level.